The Ahmedabad Design Week 2021 proposes to explore the intrinsic toy-play activities not just as acts of imaginative social interaction with objects, but as communication practices embedded in a larger cultural context. The aim is to collectively discover and reveal how toys act as physical manifestations and intermediaries of cultural relations and contribute to the knowledge of design.
The panel shall touch upon a spectrum of topics from traditional toys to the new emerging toys, reflection on the toy crafts in India and the policies and programs like #VocalforLocal and #AtmanirbharBharat by the Government of India as initiated by the Hon. Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. The panel shall discuss and explore the local and global opportunities in toy design from the perspectives of academia, industry, and culture and the role of designers and impact of toys on the society at large.
The panellists at Industry Townhall are,
Dr. Guruprasad Mohapatra, IAS
Smt. Anju Sharma, IAS
Dr. Mariana Amatullo
Shri Pradyumna Vyas
Shri Alok Nandi
Shri Srini Srinivasan
Shri Hemant Suthar
Shri Johnathon Strebly
Townhall will be introduced by Col. Surojit Bose.