Paper Presentation

By #ADW2021
THEME: Toying with Design. Toys have an umbilical relationship with childhood, at the most elemental level. From teaching empathy, creative thinking and hand-eye coordination, the toy story is rich, diverse and offers its own genre of toys fashioned from a host of materials and creating a social impact. Toys transmit information about culture, technological developments, ideological structures and moral values of society at various given periods of time. Toys act as physical manifestations and intermediaries of cultural relations and contribute to the knowledge of design disciplines. Technological advances have created new opportunities and avenues for the toy and gaming industry.



1. Toy Craft & Culture: Toys provide insight into economic, sociological and cultural aspects of society, more than any other object. Toys crafts also promote environmental and ethical sustainability.

2. Narrative & Social Impact: Through history, several toy crafts have served as narratives for a social impact. In present times, new emerging toys continue to do so.

3. Toys as an Educational Tool: With education moving to a progressive and participatory format, toys have become a vital pedagogy tool, leading to understanding concepts and learning by playing. This has catalyzed the growth of the toy industry.

4. Toys for Memory: With the passage of time, toys have evolved in the use of material, character and human interaction, shaping every generation they touch.

5. Toys in a Digital Space: Technological advances have led to emerging new age toy and gaming industry, creating opportunities for further innovation and novel user experiences.

6. Toys of the Alternate World: The gaming eco-system in the near future shall be based entirely on AR and VR technologies. What could be the future of toys, narratives and gaming in this alternate world and their impact on the generations to come?


The full papers will follow a double-blind peer-review selection process and, if accepted, will be published in the proceedings if (at least one of) the authors register to the conference to present the paper. Initial submissions, drafted according to the conference template, must be anonymous and must not contain the name(s) of the author(s) or any reference to their affiliation. This information should be included only in the camera-ready paper after the full paper presentation in the conference. The accepted papers will be published with an ISBN after the Conference. Please find the template for the full-paper in the link below.

Download Template – Call for Papers


All ADW attendees are welcome to submit posters (and associated abstracts) to the ADW 2.0 Poster Session. The poster session offers the opportunity for presenters to share their work through a quick introduction to the entire conference audience, followed by a discussion with the audience on the poster.


Authors are expected to both present their poster during poster sessions and to give a short introductory talk. As such, an acceptable submission must include a PDF of the poster text abstract and will form the basis for your short talk.

The submission should cover the following information:

1. Poster Title

2. Name(s) and affiliation

3. Student author (Y/N)

4. A brief abstract (less than or equal to 450 words)

Download Template – CALL FOR POSTERS

We strongly recommend all submissions use the word template attached.

+ All posters must use the A1 format (594 x 841 mm/23.4 x 33.1 in).

+ All posters to be in PDF format and abstracts in a word file.

+ All submissions will be reviewed by a committee and decisions will be made available via email.

+ If selected, authors are expected to review comments and, if necessary, resubmit their updated poster and abstract.

+ All accepted posters will also need to prepare a short talk of their work to be presented during the conference.

+ All Posters with the abstracts shall be published in the conference proceeding.

Please note the following

1. Digital file MUST be received by 30th January 2021.

2. Files must be in PDF format

3. A1 poster size (594 x 841 mm/23.4 x 33.1 in)

4. Minimum 150dpi for images

5. Embed all fonts and images (specify Press Quality or High Quality when converting to PDF)

IMPORTANT DATES (for both full paper and poster submission)

  • Submission deadline: January 30th, 2021 – (midnight IST)
  • Author notification: February 2nd, 2021 – (midnight IST)
  • Date of Presentation: February 7th, 2021.

WHERE TO SUBMIT (for both full paper and poster submission)

All ADW attendees are welcome to submit the completed PDF and Abstract to the following email id:



If you have any questions, please send an email to FOR QUERY.



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